Wellington Preschools/ECE Centres Expressions of Interest Form


We would LOVE to visit your Preschool/Kindy to share our bilingual waiata for tamariki. We do a 30-minute interactive and super fun music set that gets tamariki up and moving and can include songs using shakers and scarves.

If you have any requests for songs of ours that you already know and love, please feel free to include them on the form. Some faves include “Five Little Birds”, “Kina, Kina” and the Māori version of the “Wiggles” classic, “Rock-a-bye Your Bear!” – so please do let us know!

We look forward to receiving your “Expressions of Interest” form and chatting with you more about this opportunity, very soon!

AVAILABILITY - Please indicate your date (and time) preferences, below.

Our fee is $350 for a 30-minute music session (during the weekday, before 2pm). PLEASE NOTE: this is not a booking form and we are not able to guarantee your chosen times (but will do our best!). We are currently only gathering expressions of interest as are still in the planning stages of the trip.

(This form is for expressions of interest for visits to a preschool/centre, on a weekday, before 2pm. If you have a booking enquiry about a possible performance at an event, while we're in your area, please provide as many details as you're able to, above, and we'll be in touch about your event performance enquiry, within 48hrs.)

THANK YOU for taking the time to fill out this form!

We will be in touch very soon with more details about the trip and to book in our visits.